Also known as Hexagon Sudoku. Note that when Hexagon Sudoku was invented it was called "Isosudoku," under the idea that "Iso-" was a prefix meaning "equilateral hexagon." Although many isometric projections do incorporate hexagons, there is nothing inherently isometric about putting hexagons together.
Place numbers in the grid such that every row, column and 3x3 box contain the numbers 1 to 9. Digits do not repeat along the diagonals in which the hexagonal cells share edges (from top-left to bottom-right, even if the diagonals contain less than 9 cells).
Inserire i numeri in modo che ogni riga, colonna, settore contenga i numeri da 1 a 9. Anche le diagonali formate dalle celle esagonali che condividono un lato(da alto-sinistra a basso-destra, anche se le diagonali non hanno 9 celle) non possono contenere numeri uguali.