
Let we know your doubts


Messaggioda Black Tiger » lun 3 mar 2014, 14:16


I have to play each grid twice today!

i played xv then checked the stats but my name was not there, then opened it again and rechecked the stats and it was there, so i played it again and this time it worked.
anyway my initial time was something like 6:38?
but my second game was recorded, like i never started it the first time.

now i played tris, but it's the same, i'm not in the list!

what can the problem be?
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Black Tiger
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Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
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Re: Problem

Messaggioda emilio » lun 3 mar 2014, 16:45

Black Tiger,
per gli schemi di Argiomaster 2014, se hai problemi, salva le schermate e mandamele a:

ti inserirò nelle classifiche di argiomaster 2014.

Per il resto non so cosa dire: ci vorrebbe un esperto.
Potrebbe essere davvero un attacco in massa dei minatori di bit coin, Visto che parecchi miei amici e conoscenti hanno grossi problemi (con altri siti)?

Black Tiger
for schemes Argiomaster 2014 if you have trouble, save the screenshots and send them to:

you will insert into the charts argiomaster 2014.

For the rest I do not know what to say, it would take an expert.
It could really be a mass attack of the miners bit of coin, Since several of my friends and acquaintances have bigger problems (other sites)?
il Sudoku è un gioco che va meditato. Correte piano
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Re: Problem

Messaggioda hzrngb » lun 3 mar 2014, 16:56

Black Tiger, will you join this Sudoku league? refer below:


hope you like it :j2
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Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Problem

Messaggioda Black Tiger » lun 3 mar 2014, 17:41

emilio ha scritto:Black Tiger,
per gli schemi di Argiomaster 2014, se hai problemi, salva le schermate e mandamele a:

ti inserirò nelle classifiche di argiomaster 2014.

Per il resto non so cosa dire: ci vorrebbe un esperto.
Potrebbe essere davvero un attacco in massa dei minatori di bit coin, Visto che parecchi miei amici e conoscenti hanno grossi problemi (con altri siti)?

Black Tiger
for schemes Argiomaster 2014 if you have trouble, save the screenshots and send them to:

you will insert into the charts argiomaster 2014.

For the rest I do not know what to say, it would take an expert.
It could really be a mass attack of the miners bit of coin, Since several of my friends and acquaintances have bigger problems (other sites)?

Thank you, it's ok now! :dance

maybe it was some connection problem or something, anyway i restarted my pc and the problem was resolved
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Black Tiger
Messaggi: 101
Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Problem

Messaggioda Black Tiger » lun 3 mar 2014, 17:43

hzrngb ha scritto:Black Tiger, will you join this Sudoku league? refer below:


hope you like it :j2


yeah, sure! :bouncenn
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Black Tiger
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Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Problem

Messaggioda hzrngb » lun 3 mar 2014, 17:56

Awesome. :clap Now need to wait if we can have at least 2 more people. If more will be better. Hope regular player here will join us too. please refer to that post for any update. :ciao
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Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Problem

Messaggioda Black Tiger » dom 8 giu 2014, 12:35

why does it always add time to my solving time in weekly contest? :comp1
it used to be 2-3 seconds, but now it's something between 30 seconds and 3 minutes! :wall :wall :wall :piss :piss :piss
i guess it might be because of my slow internet connection, but it doesn't happen in daily games
i think in daily contests my timer starts when i see the grid, but in weekly contests my timer starts when i click on the game, am i right?
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Black Tiger
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Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Problem

Messaggioda Black Tiger » dom 8 giu 2014, 12:48

it's the same in daily games, should be my connection
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Black Tiger
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Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Problem

Messaggioda gabriele » dom 8 giu 2014, 17:03

Black Tiger ha scritto:why does it always add time to my solving time in weekly contest? :comp1
it used to be 2-3 seconds, but now it's something between 30 seconds and 3 minutes! :wall :wall :wall :piss :piss :piss
i guess it might be because of my slow internet connection, but it doesn't happen in daily games
i think in daily contests my timer starts when i see the grid, but in weekly contests my timer starts when i click on the game, am i right?

The time on the server always starts when you click the variant, the timer on flash starts when flash opens.
With adsl speed up to 3 mbps, you can get a difference of few seconds.
The time (if the difference is below 20 seconds) is adjusted automatically in daily puzzles.
For bigger differences can be either our server or your connection.
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Re: Problem

Messaggioda Black Tiger » lun 9 giu 2014, 14:31

gabriele ha scritto:
Black Tiger ha scritto:why does it always add time to my solving time in weekly contest? :comp1
it used to be 2-3 seconds, but now it's something between 30 seconds and 3 minutes! :wall :wall :wall :piss :piss :piss
i guess it might be because of my slow internet connection, but it doesn't happen in daily games
i think in daily contests my timer starts when i see the grid, but in weekly contests my timer starts when i click on the game, am i right?

The time on the server always starts when you click the variant, the timer on flash starts when flash opens.
With adsl speed up to 3 mbps, you can get a difference of few seconds.
The time (if the difference is below 20 seconds) is adjusted automatically in daily puzzles.
For bigger differences can be either our server or your connection.

Thanks for the information Gabriele! :)
I have the highest speed available in Iran which is 2 mbps!
and right now it's 100-200 kbps due to the recent hurricane in Tehran, so that should be the reason :viol
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Black Tiger
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Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Problem

Messaggioda Black Tiger » gio 11 set 2014, 2:36

first i got this message:
Warning: mysql_query...
and then i retried sending and got this:
Black Tiger, connessone al database non riuscita, aggiornare la pagina - problem connecting to database, refresh the page
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Black Tiger
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Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Problem

Messaggioda gabriele » gio 11 set 2014, 19:24

Black Tiger ha scritto:first i got this message:
Warning: mysql_query...
and then i retried sending and got this:
Black Tiger, connessone al database non riuscita, aggiornare la pagina - problem connecting to database, refresh the page

This is the message you get when you finish the puzzle and there is not record of start, and in general when there is a problem connecting to database.
the only way to solve the problem is refreshing the page or, in the worst case, switching off and on the modem.
Il genere umano è diviso in 10 specie: quella che capisce il binario e quella che non lo capisce
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Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:27
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Re: Problem

Messaggioda Black Tiger » ven 12 set 2014, 0:13

:smm :smm :smm
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Black Tiger
Messaggi: 101
Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Problem

Messaggioda emilio » ven 12 set 2014, 9:20

Black Tiger,
ti ho inserito nella classifica del QUADRUPLE, del torneo di Argiomaster con il tempo di 0:03:50

Black Tiger,
I entered in the ranking of QUADRUPLE, tournament Argiomaster with a time of 0:03:50

il Sudoku è un gioco che va meditato. Correte piano
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Iscritto il: dom 7 mar 2010, 19:24
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Re: Problem

Messaggioda Black Tiger » ven 12 set 2014, 18:59

emilio ha scritto:Black Tiger,
ti ho inserito nella classifica del QUADRUPLE, del torneo di Argiomaster con il tempo di 0:03:50

Black Tiger,
I entered in the ranking of QUADRUPLE, tournament Argiomaster with a time of 0:03:50


Thank you :dance :beer8
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Black Tiger
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Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Problem

Messaggioda emilio » ven 12 set 2014, 19:59

se dovesse succedere ancora, mandami e-mail con la foto della soluzione e che si veda bene il tempo. Come hai fatto questa volta

if it happens again, send me e-mail with a picture of the solution and that it has good time. How did you do this time

il Sudoku è un gioco che va meditato. Correte piano
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Messaggi: 3912
Iscritto il: dom 7 mar 2010, 19:24
Località: monza

Re: Problem

Messaggioda Black Tiger » sab 13 set 2014, 0:53

emilio ha scritto:se dovesse succedere ancora, mandami e-mail con la foto della soluzione e che si veda bene il tempo. Come hai fatto questa volta

if it happens again, send me e-mail with a picture of the solution and that it has good time. How did you do this time


ok, thanks :cele
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Black Tiger
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Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Problem

Messaggioda baron de roc » lun 23 feb 2015, 21:00


Please what are the rules of Distance. It seems the explanation is wrong. Il corresponds to the Next to 9 grid. In fact I want to be sure that the distance between to cells is the number of cells including the cells to be placed themselves.

Thanks for your answer.
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baron de roc
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Re: Problem

Messaggioda bjelico » lun 23 feb 2015, 21:34

You are right.
The explanation is wrong.
The rule is:
red clue indicates the distance between the two blue numbers in that order.
The distance may be from 1 to 8.
For example:
1 52 -----> ....52....
4 38 -----> ...3xxx8...
8 71 -----> 7xxxxxxx1 (here 7 and 1 are the first and the last numbers of the row).

Tha same for the columns.

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Re: Problem

Messaggioda prof_matarazzo » mar 25 ott 2016, 13:09

caro Beppe
secondo me la spiegazione non è sbagliata, ma solo incompleta; alla frase " i numeri in rosso indicano....... " occorre aggiungere la seguente: "dove la distanza minima è 1, la massima è 8"; perchè la distanza fra due numeri, geometricamente, è la distanza tra i due baricentri (punti centrali) delle due caselle che contengono i due numeri.
Se non si specifica ciò, potrebbe nascere l'equivoco che la distanza possa essere pensata anche come il numero di caselle tra i numeri blu e in questo caso, se i numeri fossero adiacenti, la distanza sarebbe 0 mentre la massima distanza possibile sarebbe 7, invece di 8. Saluti da Salerno :ciao :ciao
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Re: Problem

Messaggioda Black Tiger » mer 21 feb 2018, 17:27


During the last few days, it very often happens that my timer starts but my grid doesn't load!
I have to wait several minutes or refresh the page many times to see the grid while the timer is running! :comp1
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Black Tiger
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Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Problem

Messaggioda gabriele » mer 21 feb 2018, 17:44

Black Tiger ha scritto:Hi

During the last few days, it very often happens that my timer starts but my grid doesn't load!
I have to wait several minutes or refresh the page many times to see the grid while the timer is running! :comp1

Have you tried changing browser?
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Re: Problem

Messaggioda Black Tiger » gio 22 feb 2018, 15:06

gabriele ha scritto:
Black Tiger ha scritto:Hi

During the last few days, it very often happens that my timer starts but my grid doesn't load!
I have to wait several minutes or refresh the page many times to see the grid while the timer is running! :comp1

Have you tried changing browser?

No, I always use firefox, It won't happen if I use a proxy, but I don't always use proxy, and It doesn't always happen, so I don't know what the reason is, my speed is good, It doesn't happen when using a proxy, and usually when I open a sudoku page and It doesn't load but my timer starts, I open another tab for the same sudoku, and after a few seconds close the first tab, then after closing the first tab the sudoku appears in the second tab!
I'll try clearing cache and cookies, and see if it can help.
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Black Tiger
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Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Problem

Messaggioda Black Tiger » gio 22 feb 2018, 15:36

I cleared cache and cookies, no luck! Still the same.
Why should my timer start when I don't have the grid?
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Black Tiger
Messaggi: 101
Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Problem

Messaggioda gabriele » gio 22 feb 2018, 19:04

Black Tiger ha scritto:I cleared cache and cookies, no luck! Still the same.
Why should my timer start when I don't have the grid?

do you mean the server timer or flash timer that you can see on top of the grid?
I red somwhere that firefox has problem with flash (that seems to be banned by firefox)
Il genere umano è diviso in 10 specie: quella che capisce il binario e quella che non lo capisce
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Messaggi: 4605
Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:27
Località: porto mantovano

Re: Problem

Messaggioda Black Tiger » gio 22 feb 2018, 23:52

gabriele ha scritto:
Black Tiger ha scritto:I cleared cache and cookies, no luck! Still the same.
Why should my timer start when I don't have the grid?

do you mean the server timer or flash timer that you can see on top of the grid?
I red somwhere that firefox has problem with flash (that seems to be banned by firefox)

It says: Timer partito - Timer started
but no grid and no clock, and if I go to Classifiche page, my name is there on that sudoku which means that my timer has started on the server I guess.
and flash is working on firefox!
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Black Tiger
Messaggi: 101
Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

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