1° Time Challenge Battle

Ci si sfida su cinque diverse varianti

1° Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda hzrngb » dom 2 mar 2014, 17:05

Hi, anyone here want to play challenging other people time for at least 10 variants everyday here? Its called time challenge battle. Let say player A want to challenge player B on Tuesday. So player A will choose what 10 variants he/she want to play on that day then he/she has to play first at that day for these 10 chosen variants. Each solved variants time then will be challenge by player B. If player B can beat more than 5 player A' time which mean make faster time for at least 5 chosen variants player B will win. If not player A will win between them. It's quite boring to play here without target time. So, hope someone want to play with..emmm..Lenzo you want to challenge me? or fenicia...or someone else..etc :fen
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Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda emilio » dom 2 mar 2014, 18:11

da quello che ho potuto capire attraverso il traduttore di google, mi pare una cosa interessante.
Sfidarsi su 10 varianti, però, mi pare troppo in un giorno solo. Forse non più di 4 o 5 varianti oppure su più giorni, sarebbe meglio.

forza, chi vuole sfidare HZRNGB si faccia sotto

a me non passa nemmeno per la testa di farlo :hai , ma, magari Lenzo e Fenicia, appunto citati, oppure altri, potrebbero avere possibilità di non sfigurare.
E poi, sarebbe motivo d'orgoglio il misurarsi con tale campione al di là del risultato finale

:ciao :ciao :ciao
il Sudoku è un gioco che va meditato. Correte piano
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Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda hzrngb » dom 2 mar 2014, 18:31

Let just say it is depend on what agreement both player made :tea ..its like a game of predator try to hunt their prey. I hope someone challenge me for tomorrow :fen Just say what variant you want to play then you solve it first..then I try to catch you..unless you challenge me with something that I don't play, well I will "throw out the sponge" first.. :comp1 I hope admin can make chart (hall of fame) of this time challenge battle so we can see who is the most aggressive predator and who is the most humble prey here..player that play as prey will have to write the result of the battle. hope you all can understand.. let the game begin :ciao

p/s: sorry I thought word 'foe' means prey..for those already read my previous message hope you don't think something bad.. :hai
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Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda lenzo » lun 3 mar 2014, 8:50

Accidenti! Essere citato dalla Tigre come un possibile sfidante ha fatto già salire la mia autostima sudokistica a livello di guardia...
Ma faccio già fatica a trovare del tempo esente da interruzioni per fare i 4 schemi del torneo, altri 10 non ci riuscirei e comunque so già che non ci sarebbe storia. :arg
Io comunque ogni giorno dopo aver fatto il classico e il pool mi guardo la classifica e cerco di battere i tempi che trovo già fatti dai grossi calibri di argio, quindi cara Tigre se vedi un mio tempo fatto dopo il tuo non è un caso, ho cercato proprio di batterlo e in genere, ahimè, non ci riesco.
Batterti 5 volte su 10 è una vera chimera ma nei pochi casi in cui succede (oggi già sei volte! :j2 ) è per me una grandissima soddisfazione.
Chiedo scusa se non ho risposto in inglese ma sarebbe probabilmente stato incomprensibile, molto meglio se usi google translate!
Lorenzo o, come dicevan tutti, Lenzo
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Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda hzrngb » lun 3 mar 2014, 10:14

You are more good than me especially in pool or something can be done mentally like counting. :bur2 I'm not that great like you said. Nowadays I've reached my limit while you just make another great time beating me today (pool and kurve). Let play time challenge everyday.. We can just continue with previous variants that you and me always played daily like pool, xxv, straight, palindramo, etc. The only different this time we take turn each day who will start first. I believe by playing against other in this time challenge will increase your speed of solving especially in term of focus and motivation. You want?

Hope many more player get interest to play this style battle so we can make a league standing like a football league standing. Let say 12 people get interest to join this league battle. We labelled them from 1-12. Each player will has to face each other in scheduled battle. For example, this Thursday, the schedule will be like this:

home versus away
1 versus 9
2 versus 10
3 versus 11
4 versus 12
5 versus 6
7 versus 8

People who get labelled as 'home' will play part as a "prey" part which they will select the variants type and play first. The number of variants selected has to be decided by both of people (not prey only) in each match especially if the number should be in even or odd and if they want a quick play time or long play time before the match begin on that day.

Even number means there will a probability that the match will be draw like 2-2 for 4 chosen variants match, 4-4 for 8 chosen match, etc. For each decision made has to be inform to admin before the match begin so everyone can get info on their match too.

"Prey" should play as earlier as possible so the "predator" player can have time to beat his time after he/she finish solving each variant. "Predator" should not play first and must let the "prey" play first. If this rule broke, "prey" will be automatically win that match. It is advised that the "prey" play in 12 hours after daily variants been reset.If any of player can't play or solve any variants on that scheduled match, it will count as a lose to him. The schedule will be planned early so each player can try to fit it with their daily live schedule.

The format of result and constructing the standing will be the same been using in football league. Different is number of goal will be counted as sum of how many variants each player win against another player in each match.

The schedule will be plan so each player will face each other and get chance to play as "predator" and "prey" for a player they face. So if you lose against a player which you play as "predator", you can come back to win against him by planing carefully the chosen variants when you become "prey".

I hope can have minimum 5 players so we can start this sudoku league. I can play as admin for this sudoku league format and also play it.

Participant in sudoku league:

Please join me.. :hai
Messaggi: 164
Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda emilio » lun 3 mar 2014, 16:26

Gabriele (o chiunque altro) HELP !!!
(per favore, traducete. Mi piacerebbe essere n°2[virus permettendo], ma non capisco a cosa vado incontro )
il Sudoku è un gioco che va meditato. Correte piano
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Iscritto il: dom 7 mar 2010, 19:24
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Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda hzrngb » lun 3 mar 2014, 16:52

and more...

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Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda emilio » lun 3 mar 2014, 17:19

n°2 ?
:fen :77 :b5 :ok
il Sudoku è un gioco che va meditato. Correte piano
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Iscritto il: dom 7 mar 2010, 19:24
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Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda Black Tiger » lun 3 mar 2014, 17:55

Hi everyone

so when will we start?
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Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
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Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda hzrngb » lun 3 mar 2014, 17:59

3.Black Tiger
and more if can.

Emm..we have to wait at least 2 more people to join. If more people come will better. Refer here for any update. :fen :ciao
Messaggi: 164
Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda Black Tiger » lun 3 mar 2014, 19:13

hzrngb ha scritto:1.hzrngb
3.Black Tiger
and more if can.

Emm..we have to wait at least 2 more people to join. If more people come will better. Refer here for any update. :fen :ciao

and lenzo and fenicia make it 5 :cele

so why should it be a 1 by 1 challenge?
i suggest that everyone choose their grids, and then all others attack :fen
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Black Tiger
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Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda gabriele » lun 3 mar 2014, 19:18

emilio ha scritto:Gabriele (o chiunque altro) HELP !!!
(per favore, traducete. Mi piacerebbe essere n°2[virus permettendo], ma non capisco a cosa vado incontro )

Possiamo solo continuare con le precedenti varianti che io e te sempre giocato
quotidiano come piscina, xxv, diritto, palindramo, ecc
L'unico diversità è chi inizierà per primo.
Credo che giocando contro altri in questo momento sfida aumenterà la vostra
velocità di risolvere soprattutto in termini di attenzione e motivazione.
Spero molti altri giocatori abbiano interesse a giocare questa battaglia stile.
così possiamo fare un campionato come un campionato di calcio .
Diciamo che 12 persone partecipino a quest0 campionato.
Noi li etichettato 1-12.
Ad esempio, questo Giovedi, il programma sarà simile :
casa contro trasferta
1 contro 9
2 contro 10
3 contro 11
4 contro 12
5 contro 5
7 contro 8
persone che giocano in 'casa' giocano come "preda" e devono selezionare il tipo di varianti e giocare per primi.
Il numero di varianti selezionate deve essere deciso da tutti e due le persone (non preda solo) in ogni partita in funzione della durata della sfida e se il numero è pari o dispari.
Se il numero è pari significa che ci sarà una probabilità di pareggio.
Per ogni decisione presa deve essere di informare a admin prima della partita in modo che tutti possano ottenere le informazioni necessarie.
"Prey", deve giocare il pima possibile possibile in modo che il giocatore "cacciatore" possa avere il tempo di giocare .
Il "cacciatore" non deve giocare per primo e deve lasciare che la "preda" giochi per primo.
Se questa regola non è rispettata la "preda" vincerà automaticamente la partita.
Si consiglia che il giocatore "preda" giochi prima delle 12 am.
Se qualsiasi giocatore non può giocare o risolvere eventuali varianti che hanno pianificato, conterà come variante persa.
Il programma sarà pianificato in anticipo in modo che ogni giocatore si possa programmare.
Il formato del risultato e classifica sarà lo stesso del campionato di calcio compreso gol segnati e subiti.
gli incontri in casa saranno replicati anche ii trasferta.

a cosa vai incontro contro le tigri lo puoi già immaginare
Il genere umano è diviso in 10 specie: quella che capisce il binario e quella che non lo capisce
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Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda fenicia » lun 3 mar 2014, 19:31

Ok, ci sto purchè effettivamente chi sceglie giochi davvero entro le 12.00; oltre potrebbe essere un problema.

@hzrngb: I agree.
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Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda lenzo » lun 3 mar 2014, 19:56

fenicia ha scritto:Ok, ci sto purchè effettivamente chi sceglie giochi davvero entro le 12.00; oltre potrebbe essere un problema.

@hzrngb: I agree.

Ci provo anch'io. OK
Lorenzo o, come dicevan tutti, Lenzo
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Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda hzrngb » lun 3 mar 2014, 21:31

3.Black Tiger
6.Rakesh Rai

I think maybe we can change the battle format since we only have 6 people but still in condition "attack the prey's time". Black Tiger suggests when a player make the target time for his/her chosen variants, then other will attack. Let's take this example:

1st match:
-All accept to play for 3 variants
-Emilio will be the first prey and decided which variant should be play. So, Emilio choose to play:
c.and so on
(if can, please be kind to choose variant that all can play and still in condition that you feel confident can win it)

-On the match day, Emilio will make a move first finished all variants. Time limit to solve each variant is 1 hour. So if you can't solve a variant in 1 hour, you will automatically lose in that variant.

-When you confirm that Emilio already play, others will play before game is resetting back.

-For each time you make faster than Emilio time will rewarded you with a goal (1 point).

-For each time you make slower than Emilio time will rewarded Emilio with a goal (1 point).

-Then compare your goal total against Emilio to decide the result of this match.

-win result rewarded you 3 points in standing table.

-draw result rewarded you and Emilio 1 point in standing table.

-lose result rewarded Emilio 3 points in standing table.

-After the match end, I will collect all the result and distribute the standing table.

-For other players, they will only be counting played 1 match for this round

-But for Emilio since he/she has to face all other people at once, so he/she will be counting played 4 match for this round

So, now let me show you the first match schedule:

1st match (Thursday, March, 5) :b5

hzrngb vs Emilio (cancelled)
hzrngb vs Black Tiger
hzrngb vs fenicia
hzrngb vs lenzo
hzrngb vs Rakesh Rai

Number of variants=5

2nd match(cancelled)

Emilio vs hzrngb
Emilio vs BlackTiger
Emilio vs fenicia
Emilio vs lenzo
Emilio vs Rakesh Rai

Number of variants=

3rd match (Monday, March,10)

Black Tiger vs hzrngb
Black Tiger vs fenicia
Black Tiger vs lenzo
Black Tiger vs Rakesh Rai

Number of variants=

4th match (confirm back soon)

Fenicia vs hzrngb
Fenicia vs Black Tiger
Fenicia vs lenzo
Fenicia vs Rakesh Rai

Number of variants=

5th match (confirm back soon)

Lenzo vs hzrngb
Lenzo vs Black Tiger
Lenzo vs fenicia
Lenzo vs Rakesh Rai

Number of variants=

Last match (confirm back soon)

Rakesh Rai vs hzrngb
Rakesh Rai vs Black Tiger
Rakesh Rai vs fenicia
Rakesh Rai vs Lenzo

Number of variants=

Ultima modifica di hzrngb il gio 6 mar 2014, 12:15, modificato 7 volte in totale.
Messaggi: 164
Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda Black Tiger » lun 3 mar 2014, 23:39

My suggestion:

In case we're going to have one participant as prey each day, let's increase the number of variants to 5 or 7

and why Saturday? if not Tuesday we can start on Wednesday :mot

let's start! :fuor
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Black Tiger
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Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda hzrngb » mar 4 mar 2014, 5:57

Thanks for your feedback.
Let's wait our friends, :blaugh Lenzo, Emilio and Fenicia to give their suggestion too now.

at least two day before match day start:
-prey will give their suggestion the number of variants and time estimation to finish it all
-others will review in just one post message (as predator you have to be more alert with prey's post)
-review submission dateline should be in not more than one day after prey's message
-prey will make the most suitable conclusion based on other review post message
-chosen variant should be made just after the conclusion been made
-announce the chosen variant at least 1 hour before match day start

but I think this should not be a problem to be made. The problem is
how to beat this prey's time :ciao

p/s:since only just now I stated that only one post message of review can be made, maybe you can make another one review if you want to
Messaggi: 164
Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda rakesh_rai » mar 4 mar 2014, 6:33

Is it too late to join now? If not, I would like to join too. Anyway, I would be easy prey for most of you.
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Iscritto il: gio 30 lug 2009, 16:27
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Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda hzrngb » mar 4 mar 2014, 6:39

:clap Really? Welcome to our 6th player, Rakesh Rai :clap
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Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda fenicia » mar 4 mar 2014, 8:20

I' ve only a request: I can play from monday to friday, but I cannot play on saturday and sunday, 'cause I'm away. Hope it's not a problem for you.
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Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda hzrngb » mar 4 mar 2014, 8:53

Ok let start this Thursday. Just waiting Emilio and Lenzo confirmation right now. :b5

tips: You can use pencilmarks if you want as long as you satisfy with your time :idea
Messaggi: 164
Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda lenzo » mar 4 mar 2014, 9:08

ok :ok
Lorenzo o, come dicevan tutti, Lenzo
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Iscritto il: mar 7 giu 2011, 9:02
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Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda hzrngb » mar 4 mar 2014, 9:24

Ok let start on this Thursday. Just waiting Emilio's confirmation right now. :b5
Then I will announce the number of variants and my variants choice to be solved this Thursday.

:baph0 To give advantage to me, I will announce maybe on late evening Wednesday. Please be surprised. :baph0

Tips:You can use pencilmarks if you want as long as you satisfy with your time :idea
Messaggi: 164
Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda hzrngb » mar 4 mar 2014, 12:08

:mrgreen: Summary training game today so far :mrgreen:

Training today is very challenging game. Black Tiger has opened a number of variants in advance and I managed to catch it in its entirety. Then Lenzo, Rakesh Rai, Emilio and Fenicia appear. Lenzo really put pressure on me when he does not waste time to time approached me and beat me. Fenicia is still inconsistent with his play because some variants is not settled by it. Rakesh Rai focusing only variants for Argio Master and game shows consistency and moderation may be due to the time jealous. Emilio is still not showing any reaction on this competition but later in the day game record shows he tried to casually. But this is just a record of the game today only. It seems very stiff competition will take place in this League Sudoku later.

:hai Who will be the real tiger? :hai

Messaggi: 164
Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda emilio » mar 4 mar 2014, 12:14

credo di dover rinunciare :smm :smm :smm :smm :smm , almeno fino a quando il pc sarà sistemato :comp1

I think I have to give :smm :smm :smm :smm :smm , at least until the pc will be placed :comp1
il Sudoku è un gioco che va meditato. Correte piano
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Iscritto il: dom 7 mar 2010, 19:24
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Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda emilio » mar 4 mar 2014, 12:19

farò senz'altro un po' di schemi, ma tra mille difficoltà e intoppi

I will certainly a little 'schemes, but with great difficulty and smoothly

(non consideratemi in gara)
(not consider me in the race)
il Sudoku è un gioco che va meditato. Correte piano
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Iscritto il: dom 7 mar 2010, 19:24
Località: monza

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda hzrngb » mar 4 mar 2014, 14:03

Ready for a headache when Emilio become the prey. Hope you all really understand all rules. So now I conclude that we will have 5 variants this Thursday. Total time estimation about 30 minutes. Prepare to catch me. I will announce the variants tomorrow late evening.

:ok Good Luck :ok
Messaggi: 164
Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda rakesh_rai » mar 4 mar 2014, 15:35

Is repetition of variants allowed?
For example,if hzrngb has chosen "Tris" on day 1, can Emilio choose "Tris" again on his day?
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Iscritto il: gio 30 lug 2009, 16:27
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Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda hzrngb » mar 4 mar 2014, 17:26

rakesh_rai ha scritto:Is repetition of variants allowed?
For example,if hzrngb has chosen "Tris" on day 1, can Emilio choose "Tris" again on his day?

:hai :wall :wall

Sorry , my negligence for not inconceivable that this problem will occur . Erm .. in my opinion , better any player can choose the type that has been used .

My rationale why each player is given a chance to choose the type of puzzle is to give you the opportunity to at least get closer your results with the results of the player who got better results and prove why the player is better than you if he or she manages to beat you again .

This also helps to motivate the players to be more competitive to solve the puzzle.

It should be noted that the type selected by you should be an advantage for you against all the other players .

If you mistakenly choose the kind that cause you to lose and then a lot of players using these kinds of , you need to be more competitive to keep up with them again and prove your choice is not wrong.

If many other players who have chosen to be a weakness of you, you should try to rise to keep up with them again to prove you're the best .

My advice to all , including myself , you need to be more competitive in order to win this fight .

:bur Hints: time is important key in this fight :bur
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Iscritto il: mar 8 nov 2011, 17:35

Re: Time Challenge Battle

Messaggioda roma19746 » mar 4 mar 2014, 18:46

:conf :nono :ciao :ciao
Memento audere semper!
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