Hi Gabriele,
There is a bug I want to report.
I completed the current contest (thanks for it btw!) yesterday, by solving all the puzzles.
Today, I wanted to see the current standings, so from my iPhone I went on the contest page (
https://www.argio-logic.net/contestclass ... ?contest=1), but instead of the link for the standings there was a timer that started counting down from 2:30.
On every puzzle there is this message:
total earned points 0
already completed
It for some reason thinks that I have 2:30 more hours and that I have 0 points. It however knows that I have solved the puzzles, so it doesn't add points when I correctly solved a random one again.
I hope this is not as bad as it seems and there would be a way to recover my old score, before the current 0 is persisted in the DB.
Thanks in advance for your help.