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Messaggioda rakesh_rai » mer 21 apr 2010, 11:28

Can somebody explain the rules for lampions...
Messaggi: 178
Iscritto il: gio 30 lug 2009, 16:27
Località: Pune, India

Re: Lampions

Messaggioda GaS » mer 21 apr 2010, 11:57

No, 'couse I would like to maintain my "100" ...

Naturally I'm joking, the rules are quite easy, the hardest is, for me, to explain them in English, but I will try:

you have to "switch off" (black) or "switch on" (orange) a lamp considering that:
- the number in a lamp indicates how many "switched on lamps" surround the lamp (excluding the lamp itself);
- for the lamps switched on the information is always true;
- for the lights switched off the information is always false;
- there is, at least, one switched on lamp.

Here you can find a solved sample, it's in Italian but I hope you can follow the images:


I hope you could understand my bad English.

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Iscritto il: gio 4 giu 2009, 11:48
Località: Roma

Re: Lampions

Messaggioda liu » mer 21 apr 2010, 12:30

Some street lights are turned and some others off .
Initially they are all gray because no one knows which are switched on and off as the aim of the game is just locate the lights turned ON and off.
The number indicates how many lights are ON around the lamp itself (except himself) .
For the lamps ON the information is always true for the lights OFF is always false.
The game has a logical strategy, and always manages to find the lights to turned OFF, but it's pretty easy to get lost in thought.
It follows that at some point you should try to turn ON a lamp and see the "congruence" between them.

r1c1 must be switched off, otherwise r2c2 should be ON but also false
r2c4 must be switched off, otherwise r1c4 should be ON and false
r1c3 should be off for the same logic above
r3c1 must be switched off, otherwise one or both of r2c2 and r4c2 must be turned on and false
rR4c1can not be turned off because it can not have 3 ON around.
r2c1must be switched off otherwise r2c2 ON and false.
r1c2 must be turned off, can not ever have 3 lamps ON around
r4c3 must be turned off, or at least one of r4c2 and r3c4 should be ON
r4c4 must be switched off otherwise r3c4 should ON
r3c3 should be turned off otherwise at least one of r4c2 and r3c4 should be ON
The remaining lamps are ON and we have the solution
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Messaggi: 743
Iscritto il: lun 15 giu 2009, 10:31

Re: Lampions

Messaggioda rakesh_rai » mer 21 apr 2010, 12:43

Thanks Gabriele and Liu. After traversing through the above example, I could understand it very well. Still, no threat to you as regards getting 100 points.


PS: Your english is not bad at all.
Messaggi: 178
Iscritto il: gio 30 lug 2009, 16:27
Località: Pune, India

Re: Lampions

Messaggioda rakesh_rai » mar 3 ago 2010, 21:35

The Lampions page is showing as blank - today as well as yesterday.
Messaggi: 178
Iscritto il: gio 30 lug 2009, 16:27
Località: Pune, India

Re: Lampions

Messaggioda gabriele » mer 4 ago 2010, 11:43

rakesh_rai ha scritto:The Lampions page is showing as blank - today as well as yesterday.

thanks, Rakesh,
I will try to get more puzzles from Adolfo in a short time
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Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:27
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Re: Lampions

Messaggioda gabriele » mer 4 ago 2010, 16:46

ok, now the daily puzzles have been uploaded
Il genere umano è diviso in 10 specie: quella che capisce il binario e quella che non lo capisce
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Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:27
Località: porto mantovano

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