1.   Commands:

       New grid.

Clean the grid to manually insert a new one

       Open a saved grid.

       Save the current grid as a .txt file.

       Turn on/off automatic pencil marks.

When you turn on the automatic pencil marks, all manually entered pencil marks will be erased and  re-calculated.

       Load a grid from the database. you can choose the difficulty level.

Open the database form: grids are divided by techniques required for solving. For each technique grids are ordered by decreasing difficulty

       Undo the last action

       Restart from scratch the current grid

       Solution log.

If you double click a log's line, the program will bring the grid to that point.

       Count the solutions

       Solve the grid and generate the solution log.

       Open this file

       Generate a new grid

Grids are generated with random difficulty. The difficulty detail is shown.


Suggest the next easiest move.


If you press a technique button in the File Menu, the program will show you how to apply the technique, if possibility exists:


       Blocking numbers.

       Naked pair

       Hidden pair

       Naked - hidden triplet

       XYWing - XYZWing




       Loops - Chains

       BUG - UR


2.   Levels & Library


The form shows the difficulty levels.

For selected grid the difficulty details are indicated:

18x2 (n)- 15x1(n) - 14x1(n) - 10x1 - 7x1 - 5x4 - 3x3 - 2x2 - 1x8 - singles 10


Forcing chains have been used 2 times, (n) is the length of the longest chain,

X- Colors : 1 time - Simple colors : 1 time, 1 XY Wing, 1 Hidden Triplet, 4 Intersections, 3 Naked Pairs, 2 Naked Singles, 8 Hidden Singles.

The singles number indicates how many singles may be entered before using a difficulty level greater than 2.


3.   Hints

Open the automatic pencil marks and suggest the easiest move.

You can accept the hint by clicking  or reject with  


If you click on a row number, the filled clues of that number will be highlighted,

if you click on a column number, automatic pencils will be shown with that candidate highlighted.

To remove the colors just click undo button.