(SPOILER) Contest Kakurodoku incorrect solution

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(SPOILER) Contest Kakurodoku incorrect solution

Messaggioda lowsuann12 » ven 24 nov 2023, 5:35

I completed this week's Kakurodoku and no matter how much I check, I can't find any mistakes. I think the puzzle may be broken. Attached is my solution

Screen Shot 2023-11-24 at 2.31.18 pm.png
Screen Shot 2023-11-24 at 2.31.18 pm.png (92.65 KiB) Osservato 1196 volte
Messaggi: 8
Iscritto il: lun 17 feb 2020, 14:30

Re: (SPOILER) Contest Kakurodoku incorrect solution

Messaggioda lenzo » ven 24 nov 2023, 11:25

Sorry, it was due to an error on my part, I deleted the kakuro records and changed the scheme. Now you can reopen the new one.
please do not publicly post screenshots of the day's sudoku or ongoing contests, send them privately.
Thank you :ciao
Lorenzo o, come dicevan tutti, Lenzo
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Messaggi: 1077
Iscritto il: mar 7 giu 2011, 9:02
Località: provincia di Ancona

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