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Messaggioda lowsuann12 » sab 12 nov 2022, 0:37

For this week's contest, the Parity puzzle doesn't seem to be solvable. As seen in the second column from the left, the first row cannot be 6 as 9 should be surrounded by odd numbers, 6 can't be in the 5th row as there is a 6 in that square, and 6 can't be in the 7th row as 3 has to be surrounded by odd numbers, so that leaves 6 in the 9th row, however it should be surrounded by even numbers, but 5 is right next to it
Screen Shot 2022-11-12 at 9.31.48 am.png
Screen Shot 2022-11-12 at 9.31.48 am.png (93.35 KiB) Osservato 859 volte
Messaggi: 8
Iscritto il: lun 17 feb 2020, 14:30

Re: Parity

Messaggioda bartez » sab 12 nov 2022, 11:55

Hi Lowsuann

All the orthogonal neighbors of the colored cells have the same parity (which may be different from the colored one). Non-colored cells CANNOT have all orthogonal neighbors of the same parity.

Messaggi: 666
Iscritto il: mer 22 ott 2008, 14:51
Località: Campobasso

Re: Parity

Messaggioda lowsuann12 » sab 12 nov 2022, 15:29

im so sorry, yes of course. thank you!
Messaggi: 8
Iscritto il: lun 17 feb 2020, 14:30

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