Headshrinker Contest Frame 112

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Headshrinker Contest Frame 112

Messaggioda lowsuann12 » sab 3 set 2022, 1:02

Hi, I think Frame 112 cannot be solved

For Frame 112, the first column in the first box says 6, so the squares must be 1, 2 or 3.

The first row for the first box says 20 so the 3 must go into the box 1,1.

so the other two boxes on the first row, first box, must be 8 or 9

the 3rd column of the first box is 11 so the number there can't be 9, it's 8.

But 8 + 1 + 2 = 11, but 1 and 2 are already in use in the first box's first column
Messaggi: 8
Iscritto il: lun 17 feb 2020, 14:30

Re: Headshrinker Contest Frame 112

Messaggioda bjelico » sab 3 set 2022, 2:57

The number over the first column is wrong: it must be 16 and not 6.
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Iscritto il: lun 9 mar 2009, 20:39
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Re: Headshrinker Contest Frame 112

Messaggioda lenzo » sab 3 set 2022, 7:32

You're right Beppe, it's my mistake now corrected. I reset the frame scores for this contest. Sorry
Lorenzo o, come dicevan tutti, Lenzo
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Iscritto il: mar 7 giu 2011, 9:02
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Re: Headshrinker Contest Frame 112

Messaggioda lenzo » lun 5 set 2022, 10:17

Scusate ancora per il Frame .
Ho corretto la classifica finale come segue:
Il tempo di soluzione del Frame è stato azzerato.
Chi ha aperto ma non risolto il Frame ha comunque avuto il punteggio relativo.
Le classifiche utenti e varianti riportano i dati originali.
Sorry again for the Frame.
I have corrected the final ranking as follows:
The resolution time of the Frame has been reset.
Whoever opened but not solved the Frame still got the relative score.
The user and variant rankings show the original data.
Lorenzo o, come dicevan tutti, Lenzo
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Messaggi: 1077
Iscritto il: mar 7 giu 2011, 9:02
Località: provincia di Ancona

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