
Rieducational Sudoku


Messaggioda mikeylyk » gio 10 dic 2015, 9:51

when i am on home page, no problem, but when i click on "sudoku" (english version) i get a message, "reloading this page" and a loop begins: even when i tick "prevent from further dialog.." the page keeps reloading.. makes it unplayable and i have to retreat to archive... i have been here every day since april 2014 and this problem has only been for the past 2 months, anyone else report issue? i am using chromebook (acer c720) and motorola moto e, the problem started at the same time on both, please advise/help..
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Iscritto il: sab 12 apr 2014, 7:05

Re: help!

Messaggioda gabriele » gio 10 dic 2015, 12:05

Refreshing the page has been inserted 2 months ago to prevent a bug at midnight.
Most probably the problem is due to you data format : try, if possible, the format YYYYMMDD
if the problem still persists try in the foloowing order:
delete the browser cache,
after midnight restart your pc,
if the problem still persists digit CTRL +U , a new page will open with the page code, copy it , save as txt file and send to me.
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Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:27
Località: porto mantovano

Re: help!

Messaggioda gabriele » gio 10 dic 2015, 12:24

go to this page
you will get 4 message :
copy them and send to me.
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Messaggi: 4605
Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:27
Località: porto mantovano

Re: help!

Messaggioda mikeylyk » sab 12 dic 2015, 10:20

thanks so much for your efforts, i will work on this and report back
Messaggi: 25
Iscritto il: sab 12 apr 2014, 7:05

Re: help!

Messaggioda mikeylyk » gio 24 dic 2015, 11:34

ok i finally have a moment to run through the steps, i am writing as i attempt;;;
Ultima modifica di mikeylyk il lun 25 gen 2016, 11:05, modificato 1 volta in totale.
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Iscritto il: sab 12 apr 2014, 7:05

Re: help!

Messaggioda mikeylyk » gio 24 dic 2015, 11:54

Ultima modifica di mikeylyk il lun 25 gen 2016, 11:04, modificato 1 volta in totale.
Messaggi: 25
Iscritto il: sab 12 apr 2014, 7:05

Re: help!

Messaggioda mikeylyk » gio 24 dic 2015, 12:19

so now if i page through the 4 messages, it will stay, but it still starts with the scary screen, i think i have read and applied all you gave me, anything else i can add to help you help me, let me know.. i don't think i can change my date format
Messaggi: 25
Iscritto il: sab 12 apr 2014, 7:05

Re: help!

Messaggioda gabriele » gio 24 dic 2015, 13:10

your date format is ok!
you don't have to change it.
if you load a puzzle today from the sudoku page, does it keep reloading?
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Messaggi: 4605
Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:27
Località: porto mantovano

Re: help!

Messaggioda mikeylyk » ven 25 dic 2015, 10:09

i redid all the steps again and so far everything is running great on my laptop, thank you so much once again,

do you think that will fix my synced phone too?
Messaggi: 25
Iscritto il: sab 12 apr 2014, 7:05

Re: help!

Messaggioda mikeylyk » mar 29 dic 2015, 2:04

mmmm sad to report my problem is back
Messaggi: 25
Iscritto il: sab 12 apr 2014, 7:05

Re: help!

Messaggioda gabriele » mar 29 dic 2015, 14:01

mikeylyk ha scritto:mmmm sad to report my problem is back

I hope this is not a problem of "Pacific Time Zone". :angd

If the problem persists after cleaning the browser cache, use the page
Il genere umano è diviso in 10 specie: quella che capisce il binario e quella che non lo capisce
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Messaggi: 4605
Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:27
Località: porto mantovano

Re: help!

Messaggioda rakesh_rai » ven 1 gen 2016, 12:43

I have also encountered this problem 4-5 times in the last couple of months. And, I am not in the "Pacific Time Zone".
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Re: help!

Messaggioda gabriele » sab 2 gen 2016, 12:35

I've just sent you a private message.
Il genere umano è diviso in 10 specie: quella che capisce il binario e quella che non lo capisce
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Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:27
Località: porto mantovano

Re: help!

Messaggioda Black Tiger » lun 4 gen 2016, 11:11

Hi :)

I have had the same problem at midnights for the last two months

I'm +3:30 GMT, when it's 12:00 AM here, it's 9:30 there, and i can't play anything from 12 till 2:30 AM when the new day puzzles are available

i've tried clearing cache and restarting, yet not working
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Black Tiger
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Re: help!

Messaggioda gabriele » lun 4 gen 2016, 13:24

to fix a small problem, I introduced a bigger bug.
I will roll back to the previous version, let me know if you can open the new grid after your midnight.
Il genere umano è diviso in 10 specie: quella che capisce il binario e quella che non lo capisce
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Messaggi: 4605
Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:27
Località: porto mantovano

Re: help!

Messaggioda Black Tiger » lun 4 gen 2016, 22:41

gabriele ha scritto:Ok,
to fix a small problem, I introduced a bigger bug.
I will roll back to the previous version, let me know if you can open the new grid after your midnight.

Yes! It's working now! :j2
Thank you :cele
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Black Tiger
Messaggi: 101
Iscritto il: sab 30 mar 2013, 3:45
Località: Iran - Tehran

Re: help!

Messaggioda mikeylyk » lun 25 gen 2016, 11:01

thanks again for all you do, both my pc and phone are perfect (well, except that i had to hack an adobe flash player using dolphin browser,(google/chrome/whatever.evil.empire doesn't have in playstore for my moto e) looking forward to many weird hours of learning, the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat, etc.. have a great day.. ciao
Messaggi: 25
Iscritto il: sab 12 apr 2014, 7:05

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