4th Champions Tournament: 20th and Last Manche

Individual challenge on seven different techniques

4th Champions Tournament: 20th and Last Manche

Messaggioda sergio49 » mar 20 apr 2010, 9:59

The last daily standing:

394 >> WaterlooMathie
387 >> fenicia
387 >> roma19746
384 >> fred76
384 >> gianburrasca
382 >> doukkali
381 >> purifire
381 >> Akuma21
377 >> rakesh_rai
377 >> Bely
376 >> lupurk
366 >> genovese volante
366 >> stefania
362 >> Otrevuota
362 >> radekivv
361 >> alexdon
361 >> francoclaudio
361 >> moso
357 >> Tizio
357 >> GaS
356 >> kuki
352 >> bigado
344 >> flin68
343 >> bjelico
335 >> niki53
331 >> Mara
329 >> supermaxnan
328 >> sergio49
328 >> pecos
325 >> faber62
321 >> mikaelkael
320 >> baffo1951
318 >> liu
316 >> jonnie55
315 >> Carloplus
315 >> dario52
305 >> carlo46
298 >> lupogrigio
287 >> brtcrl
248 >> lenuccia
247 >> pacotti
210 >> SAYAN
176 >> Braveheart
176 >> ours blanc
176 >> calista
176 >> tormento
176 >> smarti
176 >> Lorinette
176 >> khazimir
176 >> amroncoroni
176 >> Tejal Phatak
176 >> Rohan Rao
176 >> GIANNI
176 >> im_dan_rydell
176 >> majidos
176 >> toota
176 >> Valsudo
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Messaggi: 5729
Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:39
Località: Roma

Re: 4th Champions Tournament: 20th and Last Manche

Messaggioda sergio49 » mar 20 apr 2010, 10:02

The final overall standing:

7953 --> WaterlooMathie
7774 --> fred76
7760 --> rakesh_rai
7663 --> purifire
7615 --> Bely
7428 --> alexdon
7386 --> francoclaudio
7348 --> gianburrasca
7338 --> fenicia
7325 --> Braveheart
7324 --> Akuma21
7304 --> genovese volante
7089 --> supermaxnan
7066 --> lupurk
7040 --> roma19746
7035 --> radekivv
7022 --> flin68
6913 --> GaS
6843 --> moso
6826 --> Tizio
6819 --> ours blanc
6711 --> mikaelkael
6608 --> stefania
6596 --> bigado
6490 --> Otrevuota
6486 --> bjelico
6387 --> sergio49
6372 --> Mara
6243 --> Carloplus
6237 --> liu
6140 --> kuki
6051 --> pecos
6047 --> baffo1951
5968 --> faber62
5891 --> pacotti
5822 --> dario52
5796 --> doukkali
5769 --> jonnie55
5759 --> niki53
5603 --> khazimir
5588 --> lupogrigio
5386 --> brtcrl
5205 --> calista
4887 --> carlo46
4593 --> Rohan Rao
4516 --> lenuccia
4464 --> Lorinette
4449 --> Tejal Phatak
3924 --> SAYAN
3864 --> smarti
3765 --> tormento
3607 --> amroncoroni
3520 --> GIANNI
3520 --> im_dan_rydell
3520 --> majidos
3520 --> toota
3520 --> Valsudo
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Messaggi: 5729
Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:39
Località: Roma

Re: 4th Champions Tournament: 20th and Last Manche

Messaggioda pgreg » mar 20 apr 2010, 11:57

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Messaggi: 4011
Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:34

Re: 4th Champions Tournament: 20th and Last Manche

Messaggioda rakesh_rai » mer 21 apr 2010, 10:50

Thanks to all involved in the organization of the tournament. And, congratulations to all who participated. It was my first tournament on this site and I thouroughly enjoyed the challenges.

Thoughts for future tournaments:
(1) Instead of 4 best ranks out of 7 everyday, maybe, we can make it 4 out of 5, OR 6 out of 7. 4 out of 7 does seem too "lenient".
(2) Personally, I don't like grids which have solving times in the range of 2-3 minutes. Then, it is more of a typing test than sudoku. If there is a way we can pre-test and avoid such grids, that will be welcome. I would welcome grids where sub-5 minute efforts would be a rarity rather than the routine.
(3) The tournament is a good way to expose solvers to "newer" variations. I have observed that very few people actually attempt the newer variations (e.g. plus or minus, minmax, repeated neighbours, etc.) So, including some of the newer variations in the mix would be one good way to encourage more participation. I think kropki, for example, will be attempted by more solvers now.
(4) Right now, all timings of other solvers are visible even before we start. Perhaps, it gives an advantage to those who solve late in the day (Although, I personally found that my results were better if I solved early in the day). A work around could be to show all timings only after you have completed all seven variants. Till that time you can only see your timings.
Messaggi: 178
Iscritto il: gio 30 lug 2009, 16:27
Località: Pune, India

Re: 4th Champions Tournament: 20th and Last Manche

Messaggioda Fred76 » mer 21 apr 2010, 13:51

Thank you for the tournament,

It was fun.

Congrats to Waterloo, he's a very strong player !
And congrats to Rakesh who was very close to me.

Messaggi: 82
Iscritto il: lun 19 ott 2009, 21:40

Re: 4th Champions Tournament: 20th and Last Manche

Messaggioda sergio49 » mer 21 apr 2010, 20:14

Rakesh, I found your items very intresting...

We will take care, in the next Champions Tournament Edition, about your suggestions... thanks a lot... :ciao
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Messaggi: 5729
Iscritto il: dom 13 apr 2008, 11:39
Località: Roma

Re: 4th Champions Tournament: 20th and Last Manche

Messaggioda radekivv » sab 8 mag 2010, 18:41

Thanks for the tournament - finally have time to post my "thank you". It was great fun - congratulation to winners and to all who participated. :clap :clap1 :hai
I agree with Rakesh that it would be nice to count more than 4/7 games. It will encourage people to solve different problems.
I am looking forward to the next round.
Messaggi: 14
Iscritto il: lun 7 dic 2009, 3:07

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