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sudokuvariante's tournament 2011

MessaggioInviato: dom 3 apr 2011, 14:01
da Fred76

Each year, tradition dictates that I organize a small online tournament on the forum Last year, I called it TFOSCAWSC, and Gotroch was the winner. This year, it will be held from 7 to 13 April 2011.

Given the abundance of tournaments at different sites this year, I decided to inaugurate a new formula.
The tournament will take the form of relay, will contain 6 grids (common variants) that I created, some of which can be a challenge for beginners or inexperienced players. Good players should find among the 6 grids 3-4 chunks allowing them to show their skills to solve hard grids.

I know the system I developed is perhaps a bit heavy (6 pdf files to print separately, which can waste a little time for players with a printer slower than others), however I invite you to participate in the right mood in this unusual tournament.

All details are on this page: ... forum-2011


Re: sudokuvariante's tournament 2011

MessaggioInviato: gio 14 apr 2011, 11:44
da Fred76
The tournament is finished.

The html page of tournament becomes result page: ... forum-2011

Congrats to Rishi, Nikola and Rohan who take podium's places !

Congrats to all participants, hope you enjoyed !
