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MessaggioInviato: mer 3 mar 2010, 19:06
da gabriele
here a sample of sudoku XV

red= V
blue = X
in the flash interface i will put X and V in substitution of colors

I would like to know your opinion about the difficulty to have some guidance on the genaration of new grids


Re: XV

MessaggioInviato: gio 4 mar 2010, 7:32
da WaterlooMathie
What do the 'X' and 'V' represent in this type of sudoku?

Re: XV

MessaggioInviato: gio 4 mar 2010, 10:25
da rakesh_rai
X means the sum of adjacent cells is 10 and V means the sum of adjacent cells is 5

Re: XV

MessaggioInviato: ven 5 mar 2010, 9:39
da gabriele
here the flash