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Hybrids 16 Results

MessaggioInviato: mer 14 mar 2012, 18:48
da gabriele


MessaggioInviato: dom 15 apr 2012, 1:05
da dario52
Ho un piccolo dubbio nel contest c'è una variante chiamata 2even-Untouch.
Il 2 even dovrebbe valere solo per i pari, ma mi è venuto il dubbio sui dispari.....
Sembra chiaro ma non sono sicuro come l'uccello + indeciso
la-qui-la :D

Re: Hybrids 16 Results

MessaggioInviato: dom 15 apr 2012, 11:38
da gabriele
è una questione di spazio
2even è l'abbreviazione di 2 even 2 odd

Re: Hybrids 16 Results

MessaggioInviato: dom 15 apr 2012, 12:44
da dario52

Re: Hybrids 16 Results

MessaggioInviato: lun 16 apr 2012, 13:40
da jaku111
can I have a question why now I have time 2:57:06 (it isn´t possible because I have only 2 hours break between two lessons in school)? I played it at friday and after submitting all of the puzzles time about 1:52 was showed me... Im sure that 2even-Knight were faster than 1:01 and maybe Rossini Outside could be the second problem sudoku. Thank you for have a look at it. Result isn´t important for me (there I´m just practising) but maybe other players have more time too...

Re: Hybrids 16 Results

MessaggioInviato: lun 16 apr 2012, 14:15
da gabriele
jaku111 ha scritto:Hi,
can I have a question why now I have time 2:57:06 (it isn´t possible because I have only 2 hours break between two lessons in school)? I played it at friday and after submitting all of the puzzles time about 1:52 was showed me... Im sure that 2even-Knight were faster than 1:01 and maybe Rossini Outside could be the second problem sudoku. Thank you for have a look at it. Result isn´t important for me (there I´m just practising) but maybe other players have more time too...

hi Jakub
2:57:06 is the the time for your hybrids number 16
the actual contest is number 17 and your time is 01:47:19
that can be reached from page

Re: Hybrids 16 Results

MessaggioInviato: lun 16 apr 2012, 20:52
da jaku111
gabriele: Excuse me. :oops: I always look on the first topic and expect that it´s the last weekend competition if it have the same name. In the future I will give a look at number too ;) .