Offset-Untouch | points 23 | 2even-Queen | points 23 | Knight-Nonconsecutive | points 23 | Knight-Untouch | points 23 | Quadruple Anti Knight | points 30 | Jigsaw Consecutive | points 33 | Quad Max 4even 4odd | points 34 | Rossini Outside | points 35 | Skyscraper Anti XV | points 37 | Killer Variant | points 39 |
points 300 |
the next contest will be held from
Thu, Apr 3, 2025, 10:00 pm
Mon, Apr 7, 2025, 10:00 am
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tempo al prossimo contest - time to next contest 126h 08m 32s Non registrato, non puoi giocare il contest Not registered, you can not play the contest